Ruben Rodrigues about BattleField videopart – PORTUGAL


Ruben Rodrigues is one of the most active skaters in Portugal. Last year we saw him in the new Element Europe movie “Hold it down” where his part was massive but short…Now, with the collaboration of he finally filmed the videopart that he always wanted to do. The results is this amazing videopart under the name of “Battlefield” . Incredible hammers from Portugal with a superb soundtrack. Read this short interview with him here below

the interview is taken from my online magazine nr.2 CLICK HERE and read the whole magazine
I was somewhat astonished when I saw your Battlefield part. Really sick part with only hammers. When was filmed the part?
Thanks a lot, this part was filmed in the last 3 year and is a compilation of all the best footage.

The first thing that comes to mind thinking back to the filming?
Gratefull , I’m really happy that come out like this, after all the struggle ,all the battles.

Do you remember one of the most difficult trick, with whom you have lost so much time?
All of them, ahaha sometimes its just not the way we picture, i really put a lot of sweet and blood for the first and the last trick of the video but in the end if we never give up and try harder we will be able to do it, that’s what skateboarding teach me.

Which is the trick that you like the most in the part?
The bs 360 Ollie, i really struggle for that one too , but felt so good when i land it, and come out one of my favorite photos.

In the Element video “Hold it down” your part was so short but massive. Why was so short?
Thanks, well, was not on my hands to decide that. Somehow I’m happy about it was a big project. but having a short part like this made me have a lot of footage to use for this new part. eheh

plans for the next months?
So , i recently came from Barcelona,a little filming trip for the next projects, then i will be in Estonia for the simplesession 14, and then hitting California and Tampa pro in march. Lastly i want to continue with this skate missions, visit new places and skate as much as i can.


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