I’ve moved the news on topsheet.eu


Dear readers,

First of all thank you for following my page!!! thank you so much!
I’m writing this post to let you know that now all my news are now moved from SkateAgenda to topsheet.eu!

So, follow all the news from skateboarding on TOPSHEET.EU . It’s a new website with news not only from the  European scene but from around the whole world. News about events, skateboard companies and interviews.It’s really sick..check it out!

have a nice day!








Paranoia shop presents “Strolch” a full lenght video – SWITZERLAND

Good news from Switzerland! The Swiss skateboard shop PARANOIA has put online on youtube the full lenght video called “Strolch”.Prepare yourself for more than 30 minutes of great skateboarding from Switzerland.

skaters in the movie: Patrik Dubach,Marco Vogel,Rose Reichenbach,Krusa Sager,Chrsitian Zemp,Adi Widmer, Reto Möllin

International Flowgrind Contest 2015 – SLOVENIA

From the 8th to the 10th May at the Goskatepark in Nova Gorica ,Slovenia will be held the biggest skateboard contest on the Balkans. An international skateboard contest with the money fund of 2000€! The contest will be divided in 2 categories: sponsored and not sponsored. On Friday the park will be ready for the practice , on saturday they will have the qualifies and on sunday the finals. On friday there will be also a miniramp session at Mostovna with concerts.

Click here for more info