14 june JamBo Urban Summer Festival – ITALY




From the 14 to the 16 june in Bologna (Italy) will be held the JamBo Urban Summer Festival. A mega festival with concerts and events. Contest are for : SKATEBOARD , BMX , FMX , SURF , WAKEBOARD, PARKOUR , STREET DANCE and more …The event will be at the BolognaFiere and at the Elbo Skatepark

invited skaters are: (skate contest organized by Daniel Cardone )
Pedro Barros
Rune Glifberg
Alessandro Sorgente
Giorgio Zattoni
Alain Goikoetxea
Pat Ngoho
Guillaume Mocquin
Julien Benoliel
Ross McGouran
Brad McClain
Sam Becket

official site  thejambo.it